news & views
Another Mrs. Grundy law bit the dust last May when a Los Angeles County ordinance prohibiting studios where models pose in the nude for artists was declared invalid by 2nd District Court Of Appeal . . . That fabulous Frenchman, Jean Cocteau, who died at 74, left everything to a handsome 18 year old who was a miner in the Lorraine iron mines until Cocteau made him his gardener . . A character in a current NY play, "But For Whom Charlie," yaks about that non-existent thing, an internationale of homosexuals, "the homintern' . . . Los Angeles VS confiscated as obscene Kenneth Anger's new film, "Scorpio Rising," and a week later the Ford Foundation announced it had awarded ten grand to Mr. Anger for his work in art films, including "Scorpio Rising" Rising" . . . A letter to the editor of "The Living Church,' an Episcopal church magazine, pleads for offering medical therapy to church ministers convicted of homosexual acts . . . British merchant seaman George Jamieson at 21 decided to become a woman, underwent operations, became a bigtime model as April Ashley, and
now has married Hon. Arthur Corbett, son and heir of Lord Rowallan. April got as an engagement present a villa in Spain . . . In her nationally syndicated column, Ann Landers often treats the subject of homosexuality, and quite sensibly, too. One young wife finally divorced after catching on to the relationship between the husband and an everpresent "best pal." Ann advised that a danger signal is a man who prefers a gleesome threesome to a coosome twosome. She added that, unfortunately, some homosexuals "mistakenly believe marriage will straighten them. out." A very moving follow-up to this was a letter from a man who signed it "Guilty." "I was was 29, goodlooking, well-built, successful in my profession and, frankly, quiet content with my life as it was. I had none of the manifestations generally associated with homosexuality. I managed to keep that side of my life so well disguised that family and friends suspected nothing. Finally I was so bedeviled by the relentless pressure to get married that I decided to do it. The girl I married was charming, bright, and totally un-